This is my fifth draft of this blog. There's
been several start overs and rewrites. There's just no easy or elegant way to
say it, and maybe that's why it stung so much when they told me last Monday,
"we believe you have Lymphoma."
world stops. Your mind and body go numb.
need to take a shower," was all I replied. Were I proceeded to barely be
able to hold myself up (thanks to the railings in the hospital showers) and
sobbed and sobbed the ugly cry.
mind raced through everything. Of course I've always had the reality of dying
when 'Cystic Fibrosis' is stuck at the top of all your charts, but throwing 'Cancer'
up next to it, this was a whole new thing I needed to wrap my head around. Now,
just because they said the words "cancer" did not mean in any way,
shape or form, that was going to be the outcome, but the two words are tied so
closely together, I couldn't help but think about it.
and I were in a good spot. Our lives were in a good spot. He was surviving and
thriving dental school. We were beginning to understand this
"parenting" thing (at least during this stage). We didn't have any
other debt (minus school). Things were feeling smooth, along our course of
crazy life.
were planning later that day to do a contrast CT scan to determine just how big
and how many lymph nodes were enlarged. They also wanted to take a biopsy from
my armpit, groin and back of my neck where they seemed to be the most obvious
problem. I was trying to mentally prepare for these procedures, all while
grasping my baby (who my aunt so kindly brought up to spend the day with me)
and trying to word the phrase when I called Ric.
stalled making the phone call to Ric. I stalled making the phone call to my
parents. Maybe if I waited, the words would be easier to say? Maybe I could
make a joke, call it "Ol' Lymphy", that'll make light of the
situation making it seem less daunting of a blow? No, nothing I rehearsed or
prepared to say followed out of my mouth but blubbering tears and inaudible
words as I relayed the news and we tried individually to soak it all in.
hours seemed like days before my doctor came back in that evening.
proceeded to relay that he and another doctor were butting heads at how to
approach this and what to do next. They decided that today we would have to
wait and tomorrow more decisions would be made. No CT scan, no biopsy.
morning came, along with my last blog post. Of course I didn't sleep. How could
I? Despite the two sleeping pills they gave me at separate times that night,
some how my mind had been able to work through it. I listened to many
conference talks on Faith that night, trying to draw strength and remind
myself, that my plan is not always the Lords plan. This would take awhile for
me to accept. They walked in along with a whole lot of blood work. "We
probably won't get results until Monday, Friday if we are lucky."
Hematology did not want to come do the biopsy until they had ruled out several
viruses that can cause similar or exact the exact symptoms as Lymphoma. The day
dragged and quite frankly I don't remember what happened other than blood work
and prepping for sinus surgery the following day.
I woke up with a rash, a horrible rash. Monday they had started me on two new
antibiotics to help my lungs - "great, I'm now having an allergic reaction
to the new medication" I thought. "This rash may be the best thing
thats ever happened to you," the doctors say, (plural because now anytime a
doctor comes in my room there are two or three of them). "A rash is one of
the clinical symptoms of Ebstein-Barr" (one of the viruses they were
testing me for.) "Yes, it could be an allergic reaction to the medication
we just started, we are going to stop that medication and see what
happens." Wednesday proceeded to be another long day. I had to start
fasting at midnight Tuesday for my Sinus surgery today. I was the last case of
the day but they wanted my fasting ASAP "in case there was a cancellation
they could bring me in sooner" for surgery (this never happens). The rash
proceeded to get worse through the day, I developed a fever, I was so weak,
tired, my head was throbbing. They ended up putting me on a glucose-saline drip
because my blood sugars were dropping and at 8:00pm they finally picked me up
and rolled me away for surgery.
I woke up with no rash to be seen anywhere. And I felt so good after my
procedure. The swelling hadn't fully set it and I could breathe so well through
my sinuses. My head physically felt lighter. We had an incredible family
volunteer to fly Ric out this coming weekend so we could be together. (Before
anyone gets upset that he didn't immediately fly back, we were told to wait
until the blood work came back before we made any decisions. We both felt it
was okay for him to finish out the week of school.) It was a great start to a
day. Nothing was on my day of events but to rest and recover. The day proceeded
as normal. I had my morning treatment, I took my morning pills. Two hours later
the rash is back. And with vehement vengeance it overcame my entire body. I was
quite a site to be seen, and if I was accepting visitors, you bet you wish you
could've been there to see! Doc's now questioning if the medication they took me
off first was the wrong one, and that I might be allergic to the other
medication. They decided to pull me off both of them and see what happens.
Receiving many doses of Benadryl to calm the beast and trying to nap, Thursday
passed along.
woke up Friday, still with the rash But Ric was coming in town today! I was
looking forward to seeing him. Oh, how my heart had longed for his presence
these past couple days. That afternoon we received the results of my blood
work. The values came back elevated for the Ebstein-Barr virus. Four doctors
reviewed this blood work and came to the same conclusion that they believed I
did in fact have Ebstein-Barr virus, which happens to be a type of Mono. It
also turns out that the two medications I was started on this past week, BOTH
medications have been related to ramping up the virus (which explains the rash,
and WHY it came back when I was pulled off the first medication - because I
still got a dose of the other med when I took my morning pills!) Puzzle pieces
were beginning to fall into place. It also turns out that this rules out the
option of a biopsy - for now. A flare up of Ebstein-Barr and Lymphoma look the
same under a biopsy and we would get a positive/false positive either way.
"Okay, I could live with that for now." When Ric walked in, I felt
like I had won the lottery!
forward to today...I first thank anyone who has read this entire post and more
importantly all those that have helped me and my family in many ways these last
several weeks. We received so much service through food, support, babysitting,
prayers, fasting, and many behind the scenes I may not know about. I am home
now and feeding my baby lunch which I couldn't be more happy to do. I double
and triple checked - I am only contagious if we swap spit. So don't kiss me or
try to share a popsicle with me, I will say 'no'. There has never been a
recorded case of infants with Mono so Hawke is okay and as for Ric well, time
will only tell because I can't say no to kissing that good-looking man.
I love your stinkin guts