Sunday, February 26, 2017


I have a good friend who helped us accomplish Hawke's one year photos & family pictures last summer. I couldn't thank her enough for doing this. I remember as a child a Disney show with Minnie singing 

"Taking pictures is making memories
Catching  little pieces of times 
Making them yours, making them mine. 
Great vacations and celebrations 
Can fade away in a year. 
But when we're making memories, 
Happy days are always here." 
(Full lyrics found here )

Photographs mean so much to my heart. I don't believe you can have too many photos. They capture a sacred moment in time. They hold emotion and memories that will never fade. They are a pause in the hustle and bustle of life. They are a way for you to connect with others and for others to connect with you.


 These two boys have my whole, whole heart. They are my world and I love their father-son relationship. I want to bottle up their giggles together.

With having unpredictable health, we do our best to ensure I stay healthy and stable, but heaven forbid anything should happen; my hearts desires are for Ric and Hawke to have an abundance of photos to forever view and be reminded of the beautiful, eternal, little family we have.

Thank you Alanna for sharing your talents with our family.

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